Cofoundry is split into several packages to make usable in a wide variety of scenarios, not just for websites.
Main NuGet Packages
For a typical website you'll want to install the Cofoundry.Admin NuGet package which will install all of the main packages. Here's a summary of what each package contains.
- Contains all the core framework interfaces and default implementations
- Not usually directly installed unless you're creating a plugin
- Contains the data and domain models and logic.
- Contains the database installation scripts
- Dependent on Cofoundry.Core
- Not usually installed directly unless you're creating a plugin or non-web project
- Contains website specific functionality, the routes for CMS content and various other helpers and website specific framework hooks
- Dependent on Cofoundry.Domain
- Only installed directly if you don't need the admin panel in your site.
- Contains the admin panel
- Dependent on Cofoundry.Web
- This is the package you install to get the full Cofoundry web and content editing stack.
Additional plugin packages
Some features of Cofoundry require additional plugins to be installed in order to use them, this includes Images, Background Tasks and Mail. Other plugins are available that add additional features to Cofoundry:
- Azure
- BackgroundTasks.Hangfire
- ErrorLogging
- Imaging.ImageSharp
- Mail.MailKit
- Mail.SendGrid
- SiteMap
- Vimeo
- YouTube
These plugins are delivered as NuGet packages and are typically self-bootstrapping, making them easy to install and light-up new features.
Check the documentation on each of these areas for more information.