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Email Notification Customization

Cofoundry allows you to customize the email notifications sent out by the admin panel. This can be useful to add your own branding or to add your own messaging to the templates.

This feature is demonstrated in the Cofoundry.Samples.Mail sample project.

Creating an admin mail template builder

The first step is to override the default mail template builder by creating a class that implements IUserMailTemplateBuilder<CofoundryAdminUserArea>.

Once this interface is defined, the Cofoundry DI system will automatically find it and use it to create mail templates for the Cofoundry admin user area.

Each email notification has it's own builder function with a context parameter that contains all the key data to build that template:

  • BuildNewUserWithTemporaryPasswordTemplateAsync: The email template that is used when a new user is created with a temporary password. This is typically used when a user is not available to provide their own password e.g. when a user is created in the admin panel.
  • BuildAccountRecoveryTemplateAsync: The email template that is used when a user user initiates an account recovery flow e.g. via a forgot password page. The context contains an account recovery URL, as well as the raw reset token if you want to build your own URL.
  • BuildPasswordChangedTemplateAsync: The email template that is used to notify a user that their password has been changed.
  • BuildPasswordResetTemplateAsync: The email template that is used when a user has their password reset by an administrator. The context data contains their new temporary password.
  • BuildAccountVerificationTemplateAsync: The admin user area does not implement an account verification flow, therefore this method does not need an implementation and can simply throw a NotSupportedException.

Making use of the default templates

Each builder method only needs to return an IMailTemplate instance, so you are free to use any template class and build it in any way you want. However, it is more likely that you will want to make adaptations to the default templates, such as changing the layout, subject or view files.

You can take advantage of the the default templates by calling BuildDefaultTemplateAsync() on the context parameter. Here is a baseline implementation without any customization:

using Cofoundry.Core.Mail;
using Cofoundry.Domain;
using Cofoundry.Domain.MailTemplates;

public class AdminMailTemplateBuilder : IUserMailTemplateBuilder<CofoundryAdminUserArea>
    public async Task<IMailTemplate> BuildNewUserWithTemporaryPasswordTemplateAsync(INewUserWithTemporaryPasswordTemplateBuilderContext context)
        var template = await context.BuildDefaultTemplateAsync();
        return template;

    public async Task<IMailTemplate> BuildPasswordChangedTemplateAsync(IPasswordChangedTemplateBuilderContext context)
        var template = await context.BuildDefaultTemplateAsync();
        return template;

    public async Task<IMailTemplate> BuildPasswordResetTemplateAsync(IPasswordResetTemplateBuilderContext context)
        var template = await context.BuildDefaultTemplateAsync();
        return template;

    public async Task<IMailTemplate> BuildAccountRecoveryTemplateAsync(IAccountRecoveryTemplateBuilderContext context)
        var template = await context.BuildDefaultTemplateAsync();
        return template;
    public async Task<IMailTemplate> BuildAccountVerificationTemplateAsync(IAccountVerificationTemplateBuilderContext context)
        // No implementation required
        throw new NotSupportedException();

Example Customization

Full examples can be found in the Cofoundry.Samples.Mail sample project.

Changing the layout

This example simply customizes the layout file using the LayoutFile property, which can be useful for wrapping the default content with your own branding.

public async Task<IMailTemplate> BuildNewUserWithTemporaryPasswordTemplateAsync(INewUserWithTemporaryPasswordTemplateBuilderContext context)
    // build the default template so we can modify any properties we want to customize
    var template = await context.BuildDefaultTemplateAsync();

    // Change the layout file
    template.LayoutFile = "~/MailTemplates/_ExampleAdminMailLayout";

    return template;

Changing the subject

This example shows you how to change the email subject:

public async Task<IMailTemplate> BuildPasswordChangedTemplateAsync(IPasswordChangedTemplateBuilderContext context)
    // build the default template
    var template = await context.BuildDefaultTemplateAsync();

    // customize the subject, the optional {0} token is replaced with the application name
    template.SubjectFormat = "{0}: You've changed your password!";

    return template;

Changing the view

In this example, the view file is customized, which is useful if you want to change the wording of the email, but don't need any additional properties in the template model.

public async Task<IMailTemplate> BuildPasswordResetTemplateAsync(IPasswordResetTemplateBuilderContext context)
    // build the default template
    var template = await context.BuildDefaultTemplateAsync();

    // customize the view file
    template.ViewFile = "~/MailTemplates/ExampleAdminPasswordResetMailTemplate";

    return template;