Docs > User Areas > Data APIs >

Query the Current User

Cofoundry provides several APIs for working with the currently signed in user:

Via IContentRepository

The current user can be accessed via IContentRepository.Users().Current().


Returns true if there is a user signed in, based on the ambient user area context; otherwise false.

var isSignedIn = await _contentRepository


Returns the current user, with options to project to a range of model types depending on how much data you need.

  • AsUserContext(): Contains only key data about the current authenticated user such as their UserId, RoleId and which UserArea they belong to. The IUserContext is cached for the duration of the request and is the most efficient way to quickly reference the current user. If the user is not signed in then Cofoundry.Domain.UserContext.Empty is returned, which represents an anonymous user.
  • AsMicroSummary(): A minimal projection of user data that is quick to load. If the user is not logged in then null is returned.
  • AsSummary(): Building on the UserMicroSummary, this projection contains additional audit and basic role data. If the user is not logged in then null is returned.
  • AsDetails(): A full representation of a user, containing all properties including role and permission data. If the user is not logged in then null is returned.


var userDetails = await _contentRepository

Via IExecutionContext

If you're building queries and commands using the CQS then the current user is included in the IExecutionContext as an IUserContext projection:

public class ExampleCommandHandler
    : ICommandHandler<ExampleCommand>
    , IIgnorePermissionCheckHandler
    public Task ExecuteAsync(ExampleCommand command, IExecutionContext executionContext)
        if (executionContext.UserContext.IsSignedIn())
            // Signed in, UserId will not be null
            var userId = executionContext.UserContext.UserId.Value;
            // not signed in!
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Via ICofoundryHelper

When working in ASP.NET Razor view files, the Cofoundry View Helper can be used to access the current user via the CurrentUser property. The helper has two overloads:


Returns information about the current user. If the user is not signed in, then a value will be returned representing an anonymous user.

@inject ICofoundryHelper Cofoundry

    var user = await Cofoundry.CurrentUser.GetAsync();

@if (user.IsSignedIn)
    <p>Welcome @user.Data.Username</p>
    <p>IsAnonymousRole will be true: @user.Role.IsAnonymousRole.</p>
    <p>Data will be null: @user.Data.</p>

GetAsync(string userAreaCode)

Returns the user signed into the specified user area. This is useful when multiple user areas are defined, because users can be signed into multiple user areas at the same time.